beneath the surface
Sacred Entwinement represents a journey in search of the sacred
and that which lies beneath the surface of all things.
These ten works serve to guide the seeker in her travels to the imaginal realm.
Supported by the Walking Stick, the traveler becomes one with the mystery of all of creation.
In December 2020, I was eco-printing flowers and leaves, wintering in my garden in western Pennsylvania, intended to be given as gifts. At the same time, a dear friend gave me a collection of Corylus avellana or Walking Sticks, whose branches intertwine and grow in an exquisitely twisted and whimsical manner.
When I saw the enchantment of the Walking Sticks, paired with the eco-prints in their ghost-like beauty, I was inspired to transform them applying different fiber art materials and techniques and practicing kintsugi.
As I moved through the months of 2021, quietly, silently, sometimes in the dark night of the soul, I finally found myself on October 27, 2021 completing the last of the Sacred Entwinement's "beneath the surface" ten meditations.